Fire and Water Mixed Martial Arts
In itself, the Fire and Water Martial Arts is a unique blend of several fighting styles. For this reason, the Fire and Water Mixed Martial Artists are versatile in virtually all areas of hand-to-hand combat. They study both full contact and empty hand fighting techniques, grappling, ground fighting, throws and takedowns, and controlling their opponent through both physics principles and joint locking techniques.
Unlike most MMAs, the Fire and Water Martial Arts was developed with practical street defense in mind. To this end, students are taught how to deal with both multiple opponents and armed assailants. It is this adaptability that truly sets the Fire and Water System apart.
While most MMAs stress getting your opponent on the ground, we recognize that going to the ground when there may be more than one opponent is a recipe for disaster.The experienced Fire and Water Martial Artist would rather stay on his feet, but also knows how to quickly control and triumph over an opponent if it does go to the ground.